Todd Who?


First, buying a home should be fun.  Yes, there can be stressful times in the process, but those moments should pass quickly.  How?  I feel it's very simple.  As your Realtor I should be handling 99.9% of the stress.  It's my job.  Your job is to find a special home that you can see yourself, and family, living in.  That's FUN (or should be).

If an issues pops up, it's my job to do the research, and present your options in a neat & straightforward way.  Even complex issues are basic when broken down in the correct way.  Being wishy-washy is the fast lane to frustration.  Frustration equals stress.

I'm VERY aware that you have options, and when picking a real estate agent, there are 100's.

I hope you spend some time playing a few of the videos I've placed on this page.

While I'm not perfect by any means, I'm dedicated to the task in front of me. I've had these traits since I can remember, and I thrive on challenges. Finding you the perfect home, or selling your existing home, is no different.

I'm 100% in your corner. I'm someone you can TRUST!

After closing The Helmet Harbor, LLC in May, 2011 I took a couple of months off to renovate a vacation rental my wife and I had purchased. This sparked my interest in real estate, and the investment possibilities.

Near the end of May I had an opportunity to work with a small team of gold dredgers (one of which was my brother-in-law). I was thrilled, but had ZERO idea of what I was getting myself into. I spent a total of 4 months on this operation; returning home near the end of August. While I know I run the chance of coming off fake, or insincere, it was honestly a life changing (course altering) event in my life.

For most of my life I'd thrived on challenges. Pushing myself to explore. Little did I know that the last few years I had become complacent. Gold dredging acted as a shock to my system; exactly what I NEEDED.

Thanks Dan, Jason and of course my wife Jane for supporting me.

I had been skydiving for a few years, but when my daughter Samantha (Sammy) asked to skydive with me for her graduation present, I was honored.   I've been blessed with amazing children, and each has a HUGE sense of adventure, and ZEST for life!

It's one thing to say you want to jump from a plane @ over 13,000 feet (over 2 miles up), and to actually, JUMP. Because the process is a bit involved, the students have many opportunities to change their minds. It's happens all the time. Plus, you have the 15 minute ride up to jump altitude... Plenty of time to "Think" about WHY you're doing, what you're doing.

As you see in the video, Sammy had a blast, and I had an amazing day with my wonderful daughter, doing something I enjoy.

Check the box on my Bucket List.

Leaving police work after almost 11 years wasn't easy, but I had a calling to start my own business. Friends pulled me aside on many occasions asking if I had thought the decision through. Walking away from a police retirement with only 9 years to go, could appear foolish to

After only 6 months, business became overwhelming. My wife saved the day by jumping on board and handling many of the office projects, freeing me to grow the business. Our first official employee was hired two months later.

I've always believed that opportunities appear everyday; and we "choose" to walk away from most. While I was sad to see my business change hands, it's opened doors that otherwise would have remained closed.

This is a short clip, from a larger video that I produced in 2003/4. I made 15,000 copies, and shipped them out FREE with every order. My way of introducing my staff to my Internet customers. It proved to be a huge success.

Aired 1997 - Notice the Pager..

When I left the Army, I had one plan; Get onto a local Police Department. I knew nothing of the difficulty. Like with any huge life decision, I had family, friends and peers advising me to stay. My family had grown accustom to the military lifestyle, and I had become "comfortable". The work was hard, but job security wasn't an issue. I had two children under the age of 3, so there were plenty of reasons to stay.

After returning home, I went to work "applying" to various departments. Chandler and Phoenix were first on my list. Chandler was close to family; Phoenix had more openings. I was hired by Chandler after only a few months. Over 600 people had applied, only 3 were hired.

Chandler at the time had less than 40,000 residents. When I left it was 6 times that. I enjoyed police work, but at times a felt a bit confined. Government work had one speed, slow. Often I would start a new program, knowing the Department wasn't going to reimburse my expenses. Getting the project completed always outweighed the red tape.

The video to the left is a segment I did for the local cable channel. I did several, and most found them interesting to Most importantly, it put me in front of the camera. An important building block for my later endeavors.

Entering the military ended up being one of the BEST decision in my life. Even thou at the time, I didn't view it that way.

Looking back, there are many moments that standout. Opening my orders, to see GERMANY. Watching a Pershing II Nuclear missile rise from it's mobile launch platform. Standing on a tower, while being entertained by 1000's of anti-nuclear protesters. Oh, and my daughter (Sam) being born in a German hospital, testing my broken German.

If I had to combine all my military experiences into one word, it would have to be, "PRIDE". There's no greater duty, than to serve this GREAT Country. God Bless all our Warriors, and especially my son Tyler who is in Japan keeping our Country FREE.