Homes between $40k-$55k..? Really?

Homes between $40,000 and $50,000.. Really..?
I'll admit Sometimes it's fun to get on the computer, type in a few crazy search parameters, just to see what pops up. "Gee, I wonder if there are any condos, in the this area of town, for under $15,000..? If so, what do they look like..??" One of the many perks of being a licensed realtor. Besides, this is great knowledge, since you never know what your next client might call about.

This morning I got to thinking about cheap detached homes. I'm pretty up to date with the affordable condo inventory, but what about something with an actual yard? I was shocked by the results. Many of the 33 homes I found were located kind of where I expected, in older sections of town. But there were a few....

Keep in mind, this wasn't for the entire Phoenix valley. That search returned just under 200, but that's another story. I wanted to stick to homes in my neck of the woods.
As I looked through the listings, a few newer homes jumped out at me. Yes, they were a bit outside the "normal" drive times, but if you own a Prius (yes, I own the greatest car on, who cares about the drive..? Granted, you're sending a bit more time in the car each way to work, but for some of us, we have more time than

All of these homes needed a bit of work. Those closer to town, more than the ones further out. Location, location, location Even with this being said, with $20,000 you can do a TON of work to any home, and transform it into something even the neighbors won't recognize... Start figuring out how to be handy, if you're
If you want to own a home, then it's time to pull the trigger.

Oh, one more thing... If you have good credit, get a loan for $55,000, and stretch it out over 30 years, your payments UNDER $400.00 a month... Hmm, looking better