I'm a FIRM believer that often EXCUSES get in the way of actually doing something. It's easy to point at various events/happenings and blame those for not getting something done. The challenging housing market has been a HUGE excuse for many Realtors who refuse to change with the times.
Granted, this is an overly general comment, and isn't meant to encompass EVERY scenario, only to point out the obvious... There are a ton of people looking for an EXCUSE, rather than a SOLUTION.
I personally feel that 2012 will remain challenging. I've heard a few fortune tellers out there, claiming 2012 is going to be a breakout year in the housing market. I would love to see their crystal ball... I break down my view of the market in this way...
First, if you have a nice home, and
it's marketed well, it'll sell. I did a search the other day for
Realtors who do video on their clients properties. Out of a general
search with over 10,000 results, only 240 had video. Out of this
240, only 2 (yes, 2) had someone actually in the video pointing out
features. Oh, and those two were on million dollar plus homes. The other 238 just walked around holding the camera... I guess this was to allow us (the viewer) to get a view as if we were there. I don't think it works very well.
I spent 2 hours playing these videos, and only a few came across as “helpful”. Why did I spend 2, looong, hours clicking on video links? I was hoping to find something interesting I could possibly use in my videos. I didn't find anything...lol.
I spent 2 hours playing these videos, and only a few came across as “helpful”. Why did I spend 2, looong, hours clicking on video links? I was hoping to find something interesting I could possibly use in my videos. I didn't find anything...lol.
While I would like to think what I do is special, PLEASE..! When I've asked other Realtors why they don't take more effort, the EXCUSES abound. They either have a dated system that they're comfortable “Selling” to their clients, or they're embarrassed to be in front of the camera, or they simple refuse to spend the extra time.
Back to my main point. I feel 2012 will be the year homes will continue to sell, but only those that are marketed with EVERY new, and now “mainstream”, venue.
You know what, I'll give you a quick example. To the left is the image I use for my vacation rental on Facebook.
Most people have heard of Facebook. By using Facebook for a HOME, you can add a TON of information otherwise missed. I now create a Facebook page for EVERY cliet, listing additional photo (with captions) Video, I even ask the homeowners to post interesting information on the “Wall”. Information on the local schools, parks and shopping. Also, personal messages on why they liked living there, and sometimes why they're leaving (move, downsizing, etc.). Those that visit get a WAY more rounded picture of the home, and the AREA it sits in... This sparks interest, and many times a visit. Visits lead to sales...
Oh, and then there's YouTube.
Yes, 2012 will be a good year to sell your home, and a great year to purchase. Whether you use me, or another Realtor, make sure they market your home effectively, in a way that makes sense to you...